Jupiter Farms - West

(561) 250-0655

Military Trail - East

(561) 429-8753

Eye Exam FAQ

Our team from Visionary Eye Center in Jupiter, FL, is ready to welcome new and returning clients for eye exams. We're here to answer some commonly asked questions and help alleviate any questions or concerns you may have. Don't hesitate to contact us with any questions or to make an appointment at our location in Jupiter, FL as your trusted optometrist near you.

Eye Exam

How Often Should You Get an Eye Exam?

It may be recommended to get an eye exam yearly if you wear glasses or contact lenses. Of course, you may need to see an eye doctor more frequently if you have an eye-related condition like glaucoma or macular degeneration.

What Symptoms Indicate I Should Get an Eye Exam?

If you are experiencing frequent headaches, blurry vision, difficulty seeing at night, double vision, eye strain, or sudden changes in your vision, it may be time to schedule an eye exam.

How Can an Eye Doctor Help Me See Better?

An eye doctor can conduct an eye exam to assess your vision and prescribe corrective lenses, such as glasses or contact lenses, to help you see better. They also conduct several tests, such as checking your visual acuity, testing for color blindness, and determining any refractive errors. They can also provide treatment or refer you to a specialist to help manage these conditions and prevent further vision loss.

Why Do Eye Doctors Dilate My Eyes?

Eye doctors dilate the eyes to more thoroughly examine and assess the eye's health. Dilating the pupils allows for a better view of the retina, optic nerve, and blood vessels inside the eye. This can help detect potential issues like macular degeneration or diabetic retinopathy.

Get Blurry Vision Treatment, Eye Glasses Near You, and an Eye Exam Near You from an Optometrist Near You

Whether you're looking for eye glasses near you or you want to have peace of mind knowing your vision is healthy, our team at Visionary Eye Center in Jupiter, FL, is ready to welcome you to our convenient locations. We're also able to answer any questions or concerns you have! Don't hesitate to schedule your eye exam today and take the first step towards maintaining good eye health. Call us at (561) 250-0655 Western location or at (561) 429-8753 for our Eastern location for blurry vision treatment and an eye exam near you from an optometrist near you.


Jupiter Farms - West


10088 W Indiantown Rd Ste B,
Jupiter, FL 33478

Military Trail - East


3893 Military Trail #4,
Jupiter, FL 33458